Community Days 2024

Come to Community Days for food and fun.
There will be pie sales, raffles, kids face painting, cake walk, sprinkler demos and sales, fish pond hot dogs and refreshments, Ice Cream and Fire Smart information.
Come inspect all of our equipment that we use for firefighting. We constantly are improving our equipment to help fight structure and interface fires.
Susan McKie’s Memorial
I have been fortunate to work with Susan on the firehall executive. She will be greatly missed.

Firefighters Wildland Training Exercise
Our dedicated firefighters setup and practising wildland training.
Remember that the residents should utilize FireSmart techniques to help mitigate fire around homes and other structures.
Part of helping protect all structures is to use Structural Sprinklers which provides much needed humidity. See the order form to purchase.
Sprinkler Order Form

It’s Pie Baking Time!
It’s that time of year again.
We will be starting to make Apple pies on Tuesday January 23, 9:00 am. Bring your favorite peeler or rolling pin with you.

Pie making sessions will be every Tuesday and Thursday at 9:00am. We need lots of helpers so we can finish each session by noon.

I hope you can make it! See you Tuesday.